33 CBD Supply Story

33 CBD Supply Story

Our chat with Danny Upchurch from 33 CBD Supply about his struggle with Epilepsy and the brand’s history and products

Danny Upchurch from 33 CBD Supply talks with the AskGrowers team about how the brand came about due to a personal diagnosis with epilepsy. Danny tells us about the company’s current focus on CBD as well as the future launch of THCv products. He also sheds light on his own consumption routine and favorite strains to smoke as well as talking about the top trends of the cannabis industry in the coming years.

Tia: Tell us how you started 33 CBD Supply?

Danny: We started 33 CBD Supply initially because I was diagnosed with epilepsy at age 15 (I’m 48 now). I have been through all the phases of treatment from multiple AED meds, diets, Vagal Nerve Stimulator (VNS), and ultimately, brain resection surgery for epilepsy. The ultimate goal is to find some relief for Epilepsy by turning to specific blends of CBD.  So our focus was to convert some of our farmland into a 700-acre industrial hemp farm to start our own product line and partner with a very skilled lab for custom extraction and formulation with a focus on product efficacy, absorption, and positive taste profile.

Tia: What’s your brand focus?

Danny: Our brand focus is product efficacy, absorption, and education. Our goal is to help our customer base understand the product from the plant all the way through to formulation and how to take it.

Tia: Who’s your audience?

Danny: Our audience is really anyone who has a need that we can address with cannabinoid therapy, whether it is a topical or an ingestible application.

Tia: Was the CBD your primary focus? Do you plan to spread your products somewhere in other states?

Danny:  Yes, CBD is our primary focus and will continue to be. However, as our knowledge of minor cannabinoids increases, we continue to add specialized formulations such as CBG/CBD 1:1 ratio products, our newest upcoming launch of THCv for weight management, mental focus/concentration and a custom CBN formulation for sleep management that will be sold as a Day/Night kit.

Tia: Do you plan to cultivate new strains?

Danny: For industrial hemp, we do not plan on any new strains but rather focusing on the minor cannabinoids that are currently present and paying attention to the terpenes (essential oils) that are in the plant. I have always had a theory that terpenes alone can have a positive effect, so combining the right strength of CBD with a terpene profile can be very beneficial.

Tia: What do you think defines the success of the strain?

Danny: The success of a strain will first depend on the genetic available but the real magic happens in your grow environment – depending on how controlled your environment is, whether it is indoor, greenhouse, outdoor, etc.

Tia: Do you have any tips for someone starting to use CBD?

Danny: The first thing to determine is what is it that you are wanting to accomplish or what effect are looking for from your CBD product. From there, determine what type of delivery method you prefer – topical, tincture, soft gel, oral spray, gummies, etc. Next, decide what a starting dose should be. Typically, using the idea of “start low and go slow” is good. Also, determine what, if any, medications you may be taking or any other current medical conditions you may have. A good start is to always refer to your physician and, surprisingly, a lot of doctors are opening up to the idea of using cannabinoid therapy as an alternative to pharmaceuticals. And always find a company/manufacturer who knows what they are doing, can answer questions about the product and has 3rd-party testing to review.

Tia: As a rule, CBD is consumed to minimize stress and relax. Does CBD work for everyday usage?

Danny: CBD does tend to work for everyday usage. The key is finding the right dose that works for you individually and finding a product that has good bioavailability (absorption).  For me it's all about absorption.

Tia: How have your sales changed over time since the start of the pandemic?

Danny: As most retail this past year, sales have been challenged with the majority of customers holding on to their disposable income. However, we have a large part of our customer base that purchases from us on a monthly or bi-monthly basis as their medication supplement for several indications. We have seen an upward trend in recovery.

Tia: What is your personal cannabis consumption routine?

Danny: My personal cannabis routine is pretty intense. I take between 400-500mg daily of different formulations and delivery methods. Mostly, I take a high-absorption CBD | CBG Liposomal Spray, Softgels, and THCv in the morning. I also use a small amount of Delta-8 at night to help with sleep.

Tia: Your top strains to smoke? Why?

Danny: I personally like a CBG White/CBD Berry Blossom cross on hemp because it is very smooth and ultimately relaxing. I’m not a big smoker but when I do smoke, CBG really makes it smooth. 

Tia: If you could have a chance to smoke with anyone on this planet, who would that be with and why?

Danny: I would love to smoke with Jeff Bezos. I think that sitting with him and getting loose and creative and just talking about business and creative ways to grow the industry, from a person who has done all the things he has, would be incredible.

33 CBD Supply good product cannabis

Tia: Do you advertise your products? If yes, where do you post them, what channels do you use for that?

Danny: We do advertise, mostly on social channels. Not paid, but by posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It’s difficult to do paid advertising in this space. We do, however, do local media advertising for CBD and trade shows.

Tia: As the owner of a cannabis business, did you ever invest in cannabis stocks? If yes, what are the brands you would recommend investing money in?

Danny: I have not invested in cannabis stocks. I feel that the industry is still too young and has not stabilized. If I did, I would wait and look to the larger companies who would pick up some of the smaller companies that are doing infused drinks, as soon as the market validates and cannabis becomes federally legal.

Tia: What are the 3 main trends in growing / (production/marketing) cannabis in for you now?


A:Retail ready-packed products are on an upward trend. It definitely yields higher margins and gives consumers a better product value and brand confidence.

B: Marketing: Influencer/affiliate marketing seems to be growing as the platform for paid advertising is limited.

C: Expanded genetic and/or product offerings is a must. Consumers want options. As our knowledge increases, so do our abilities to formulate new products, advanced absorptions, different blends, and minor cannabinoid conversion offerings that we have never been able to offer before that give effects not seen in “standard” formulations.

Tia: When do you think federal legalization will come?

Danny:  For cannabis, I think it will come eventually in 3-5 years. The genie is out of the bottle and it’s hard to put it back. As more and more individuals report benefits and states receive tax gain from it, it’s only natural that on the federal side they will jump in and receive the tax benefit. However, there are many obstacles, such as big pharma, who will stand firmly against it or will eventually try to control it.

Tia: What are your predictions on the cannabis industry for the next 5 years? (in your state)

Danny: I live in Oklahoma and the growth of the CBD market has contracted and the THC market has exploded to the point of saturation. The state has come in and put a moratorium on grow licenses, dispensaries, and processors to drive the numbers back down to a manageable number to maintain quality and control, which is not a bad thing.

Tia: Back in the old times, cannabis united diverse people. Do you preserve these old traditions? If yes, what do you do about that?

Danny: I think cannabis is a very good product to bring people together. It can definitely be a conversation starter for medical and business-related ideas, and people generally have a good time and relax. It can definitely bring people together in today’s times.


These quick-fire questions will help with article SEO. Can you quickly answer this list of questions? These are the most googled questions, so don’t be shocked with those below 🙂

> Why was weed made illegal?

Prohibition and due to the war on drugs in the ’70s and ‘80s.

> Will weed be legal federally?

Yes, eventually.

> Does weed help with cramps?


> Does weed help with pain?

it can yes.

> Can weed help headaches?

In some people, who have stress-related and other types of head pains.

> Does weed help with depression?

It can, but can also contribute to it when not on it.

> Do weed leaves have THC?

No, in the flower / bud.

> Does weed get old?

It can lose its “potency” or can mold, depending on how it’s stored, lite, etc.

> Should edibles have high THC %?

In my opinion, no. It takes a little bit for our body to metabolize it and a person can continue to take it by not feeling the effect at first.

> Can edibles cause allergies?

Yes, depending on the formulation of the edible.

> Can weed cause seizures?

Oddly for some people, yes. But for some people it has been a savior.

> Indica or Sativa? Why?

Indica – It should be relaxing.

> Why should weed be legal?

It has very strong medicinal properties. When used properly, it can have very positive results.

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Thank you so much, 33 CBD Supply team, for taking the time to do the interview. To learn more about them, head on over to their website.

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